I set up Voices for Europe in the UK for that very reason. We have often been interviewed by the press around Brexit issues, but our views are not highly valued. We should be more vocal and more visible as we have a lot to contribute and our voices will become more important as the UK finally wakes up to the fact of its isolation and the need to realign itself in some way with its continent.

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Hi Emmy, I've seen Voices of Europe on Twitter and elsewhere. You are passionate (and necessary) advocates and it doesn't surprise me when you say you feel your views aren't valued as they should be. I think that ties in to my wider point - Europeans here just not being seen as a minority group the way others are. There are reasons for that, but it makes us, and our needs, easy to ignore.

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Indeed. That's why we set up our emotional support service for Europeans, which has now morphed into an emotional support service for Ukrainians.


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I am one if those Europeans (Sardinian)who has been living in the UK for many years and have recentely obtained British citizenship. I feel so much safer now, especially regarding retirement and a potential permanent move back to Italy very soon. Brexit gave us Europeans so much uncertainty. Thanks Barbara. It is always great reading your articles...and by the way I have already forgotten all the dates and names I had to study for the test, included how many Mps in the Welsh assembly😅

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Ah, the Welsh Assembly question! Honestly, if you asked most people in Cardiff they might not know. From memory, it was 73 (ish)..... Hopefully my citizenship won't be revoked if that's wrong!

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Kenneth MacAlpine....is currently, or was, head of MacAlpine construction company. Also, a benefactor to the Conservative Party, as well as being one-time Chairman of the party.

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Wrong answer! (I admit, I had to Google kenneth MacAlpin....)

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I think that the issue is related to the link of media to big business and, consequently, to big powers. In the UK, the media focus foreign news on the USA. The few times they deal with Europe, they focus on Germany and France. British public know little about the EU, they knew nothing running up to the Brexit referendum. In a way, the same happen with the Italian media. In this respect, the only broadcaster I found different is Al Jazeera; they really deal with the whole planet, and broadcast news in an objective way, as much as it may be possible, trying to show the different perspective. I think this is the main reason the European citizens are ignored. It is a cultural issue.

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I’m not sure I agree with you on this one Gerardo. I think it’s a mix of language obstacle, recent waves of migration and nationality not being included in diversity statistics.

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