May 1, 2022Liked by Barbara Serra

You may be right about the language barrier. But I do not think that this is the main factor. Take the United Kingdom, for instance. Scotland and England share a common language. However, according to the Brexit vote, the Scottish people feel closer to the EU than the UK. It is true that in the referendum for independence the Scottish electorate chose to remain member of the UK (by a relatively narrow margin), but this was done on the understanding that the UK would remain in the EU.

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May 2, 2022Liked by Barbara Serra

Thanks, yes as a genuine liker of the EU I find it sad that Euronews is such an insipid channel. I am an Irishman living in Switzerland (married to an Italian) and I would like more EU wide news because the national channels show mostly their own content but I'm often more interested in international affairs. So a typical news day for me is James O'Brien on LBC, TV24 and La 7 news, Channel 4 News and in between to know what the hell is going on in the rest of the world apart from the current 24 hour current story, I watch Al Jazeera in English. I particularly like hearing opinions such as from Marwan Bishara or I still miss being able to see Irish News or Danish News (as I spent 5 years there). Of course I prefer English but it tends to get very Ameracinased whatever channel I watch. I think I would love a Euronews 24 hour Channel mostly in English but also in any other language say 30% and not be afraid to be slightly left leaning as right wing seems too dominant.

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May 1, 2022Liked by Barbara Serra

Dear Barbara. I live in South Africa. I know of no credible broadcaster that covers African issues as a whole and which enjoys credibility, not even in the English speaking-ex British colonies - countries. As a result we talk in our own bubbles and suspicion here of outsiders from our fellow African countries is terribly high. The AU is of almost no interest to south africans. Of course Africa is huge and diverse, so there will never be a common language. It's a pity as Africa needs to stand together and co-operate to raise pitiful living standards and deal with corruption and exploitation. Europe largely shares a common religion but has been at war with itself since the dawn of time. Africa has hundreds of religious belief systems and languages. I agree communication between reasonable people can solve most problems though-but not all. All the best Barbara.

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